
Leveraging Zig's Allocators

Jun 05, 2024

Let's say we wanted to write an HTTP server library for Zig. At the core of this library, we might have a pool of threads to handle requests. Keeping things simple, it might look something like:

fn run(worker: *Worker) void {
  while (queue.pop()) |conn| {
    const action = worker.route(conn.req.url);
    action(conn.req, conn.res) catch { // TODO: 500 };

As a user of this library, a sample action might be:

fn greet(req: *http.Request, res: *http.Response) void {
  res.status = 200;
  res.body = "hello!;

This is promising, but we can probably expect that users of our library will want to write more dynamic content. If we assume that our server is given an allocator on startup, we could pass this allocator into the actions:

fn run(worker: *Worker) void {
  // added
  const allocator = worker.server.allocator;

  while (queue.pop()) |conn| {
    const action = worker.route(conn.req.url);

    // we now pass allocator into action
    action(allocator, conn.req, conn.res) catch { // TODO: 500 };


Which would allow users to write actions like:

fn greet(allocator: Allocator, req: *http.Request, res: *http.Response) !void {
  const name = req.query("name") orelse "guest";

  res.status = 200;
  res.body = try std.fmt.allocPrint(allocator, "Hello {s}", .{name});

While this is a step in the right direction, there's an obvious issue: the allocated greeting is never freed. Our run function can't just call allocator.free(conn.res.body) after writing the response because, in some cases, the body might not need to be freed. We could structure our API so that the action has to write() the response and thus be able to free any allocations it made, but that would make it impossible to add some features, like supporting middleware.

The best and simplest solution is to use an ArenaAllocator. The way it works is simple: when we deinit the arena all of its allocations are freed.

fn run(worker: *Worker) void {
  const allocator = worker.server.allocator;

  while (queue.pop()) |conn| {
    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
    defer arena.deinit();

    const action = worker.route(conn.req.url);
    action(arena.allocator(), conn.req, conn.res) catch { // TODO: 500 };

Because std.mem.Allocator is an "interface", our action doesn't need to change. An ArenaAllocator is a great option for an HTTP server because they're bound to a request, which has a well defined/understood lifetime and is relatively short lived. And while it's possible to abuse them, it's probably safe to say: use them more!

We can take this a bit further and re-use the same arena. That might not seem too useful, but take a look at this:

fn run(worker: *Worker) void {
  const allocator = worker.server.allocator;

  var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
  defer arena.deinit();

  while (queue.pop()) |conn| {
    // Here be magic!
    defer _ = arena.reset(.{.retain_with_limit = 8192});

    const action = worker.route(conn.req.url);
    action(arena.allocator(), conn.req, conn.res) catch { // TODO: 500 };

We've moved our arena outside the loop but the important part is inside: after each request, we reset the arena and retain up to 8K of memory. That means that, for many requests, we'll never have to go to our underling allocator (worker.server.allocator) to get more memory. This can significantly improve performance.

Now imagine a sad world where we couldn't reset our arena with retain_with_limit. Could we still apply the same optimization? Yes, by creating our own allocator which first attempts to use a FixedBufferAllocator and then falling back to our arena.

Here's our full FallBackAllocator:

const FallbackAllocator = struct {
  primary: Allocator,
  fallback: Allocator,
  fba: *std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator,

  pub fn allocator(self: *FallbackAllocator) Allocator {
    return .{
      .ptr = self,
      .vtable = &.{.alloc = alloc, .resize = resize, .free = free},

  fn alloc(ctx: *anyopaque, len: usize, ptr_align: u8, ra: usize) ?[*]u8 {
    const self: *FallbackAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
    return self.primary.rawAlloc(len, ptr_align, ra)
           orelse self.fallback.rawAlloc(len, ptr_align, ra);

  fn resize(ctx: *anyopaque, buf: []u8, buf_align: u8, new_len: usize, ra: usize) bool {
    const self: *FallbackAllocator = @ptrCast(@alignCast(ctx));
    if (self.fba.ownsPtr(buf.ptr)) {
      if (self.primary.rawResize(buf, buf_align, new_len, ra)) {
        return true;
    return self.fallback.rawResize(buf, buf_align, new_len, ra);

  fn free(_: *anyopaque, _: []u8, _: u8, _: usize) void {
    // we noop this since, in our specific case, we know
    // the fallback is an arena, which won't free individual items

Our alloc implementation first tries to allocate using our "primary" allocator. If that fails, we use our "fallback" allocator. resize, which we have to implement as part of the std.mem.Allocator interface, determines which allocator owns the memory we're trying to resize and then calls its rawResize. To keep this somewhat simple, I left out the implementation of free - which is OK in this specific case since "primary" is going to be a FixedBufferAllocator and "fallback" is going to be an ArenaAllocator (thus, all the freeing happens when the arena's deinit or reset are called).

Now we need to change our run method to take advantage of this new allocator:

fn run(worker: *Worker) void {
  const allocator = worker.server.allocator;

  // this is the underlying memory for our FixedBufferAllocator
  const buf = try allocator.alloc(u8, 8192);
  defer allocator.free(buf);

  var fba = std.heap.FixedBufferAllocator.init(buf);

  while (queue.pop()) |conn| {
    defer fba.reset();

    var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
    defer arena.deinit();

    var fallback = FallbackAllocator{
      .fba = &fba,
      .primary = fba.allocator(),
      .fallback = arena.allocator(),

    const action = worker.route(conn.req.url);
    action(fallback.allocator(), conn.req, conn.res) catch { // TODO: 500 };

This achieves something similar to resetting our arena with a retain_with_limit. We create a FixedBufferAllocator which can be reused for each request. This represents the 8K of memory we were previously retaining. Because an action might need more memory, we still need our ArenaAllocator. By wrapping our FixedBufferAllocator and our ArenaAllocator in our FallbackAllocator we ensure that any allocations will first try to use the (very fast) FixedBufferAllocator and when that's full, use the ArenaAllocator.

Because we're exposing an std.mem.Allocator, we're able to make these changes, tweaking how we want our allocator to work, without breaking greet.

Hopefully this example highlights what I consider two real benefits to explicit allocators: simplifying resource management (via something like an ArenaAllocator) and improved performance by re-using allocations (like we did with retain_with_limit or with ourFixedBufferAllocator).