
Being Mindful of Memory Allocations

Feb 20, 2024

One consequence of programming without a garbage collector is that you're generally more aware of every memory allocation your program makes. Ideally, this increased awareness results in more prudent memory use. Developers often lament that while hardware has gotten faster, computers feel more sluggish. I don't know how true this is, and if it is true, I don't know how big a part memory allocation plays.

What I do know is that my time in Zig has fundamentally shaped how I look at code and hopefully has impacted my non-Zig coding. As an example, I recently wrote a PostgreSQL client in Zig. In PostgreSQL, the flow for sending a parameterized query usually involves sending the SQL to PostgreSQL along with a request to "describe" the statement. Part of the response from PostgreSQL is a message that contains the 32 bit integer object id (oid) of each parameter. Libraries can use this information to figure out how to serialize the values given to them by the application.

If we look at Go's pgx handling of this, we find:

case *pgproto3.ParameterDescription:
  psd.ParamOIDs = make([]uint32, len(msg.ParameterOIDs))
  copy(psd.ParamOIDs, msg.ParameterOIDs)

Your average query might have 2-4 parameters, so we're talking about a very small amount of memory. But this is just one of many allocations made when querying, all of which has GC overhead.

In pg.zig, every connection has a param_oids: []i32 field, the size of which is configurable. The code to handle the parameter description looks like:

var param_oids = conn.param_oids;
if (param_count > param_oids.len) {
    param_oids = try allocator.alloc(i32, param_count);
var pos: usize = 0;
for (0..param_count) |i| {
  const end = pos + 4;
  param_oids[i] = std.mem.readInt(i32, data[0..end][0..4], .big);
  pos = end;

In short, if the number of parameters fits in our pre-allocated conn.param_oids, we'll use that, else we'll allocate a new larger []i32 to fit the number of parameters. If we do allocate a larger param_oids we'll have to clean it up once our query is done. In this specific case, it's easily handled by the fact that allocator comes from an ArenaAllocator that exists until the query result is freed (when the ArenaAllocator is freed, any allocation made with it are also freed). We could take this a step further and continue re-using the larger param_oids, but that would probably be a surprising behavior.

I've made a few contributions to pgx in the past and consider it a solid library. I used it as a reference when implementing pg.zig and I'm sure it has a number of optimizations that I haven't done or thought of. I don't know the current codebase well enough to say if it's possible to re-use a pre-allocated paramOids. But it's easy to skip these optimizations, especially when languages and runtimes (e.g. garbage collector) hide so much.

For better or worse, I think the age of mindful allocation is behind us. Re-using memory is hard. While some might point to extra edge cases or security consideration, I think the overwhelming driver is developer laziness - which many have called a good thing. One of the things I like about Zig and its lack of an established ecosystem is that I can fret about unnecessarily allocating 64 bytes of data if I want to.